Some anti-police brutality protesters arrested in December now say their constitutional rights were violated by the NYPD. NY1’s Dean Meminger filed the following report.
Several protesters arrested and brought to police headquarters for questioning last year say they now feel they were treated like political prisoners.
“They were asking all sorts of questions about, how did I find out about this protest? Were there places on social media that they could follow in order to discover the location of other protests?” said Benjamin Perry, one protester who was arrested.
Perry and Shawn Torres are students at Union Theological Seminary who attended a rally after Officer Daniel Panteleo was not indicted in the death of Eric Garner. They were among those handcuffed and slapped with charges that ranged from blocking traffic to resisting arrest. Lawyers for 12 of them now say the interrogations by New York City police detectives violated the demonstrators’ first amendment right to assemble.
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