Memorial For Us All Community Remembrance Initiative Launches Sunday
Union Theological Seminary and other Interfaith Partners Enlist Artists and Lincoln Center to Honor Those Lost During COVID-19 Pandemic
Weekly Remembrances Beginning Sunday May 3 With a Tribute From Wynton Marsalis
To honor and celebrate those lost to COVID-19, interfaith leaders have enlisted musicians and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts to create a weekly community remembrance, Memorial For Us All. In the midst of this unprecedented pandemic, while many rituals we hold dear are no longer possible, Memorial For Us All offers unity, comfort, and healing through music, an art form intertwined with so many of our most beloved rituals around the world.
These weekly memorials begin Sunday, May 3 at 6:00 p.m. ET on social media and will be available online any time at the Lincoln Center website, here, Wynton Marsalis will inaugurate the series. UPDATE: Cellist Yo-Yo Ma will lead the Sunday, May 10 Memorial For Us All broadcast and singer Brian Stokes Mitchell will lead Sunday, May 17. Both shows will be at 6:00 p.m. ET.
Memorial For Us All is a secular community remembrance, welcoming all to celebrate the lives of those who have left us too soon. Community members have been invited to submit the names of a neighbor, friend, or loved one to honor.
“Union Theological Seminary is honored to have joined with our interfaith partners and Lincoln Center for this special endeavor,” said Fred Davie, Executive Vice President at Union Theological Seminary. The full list of organizational partners are: The Interfaith Center of New York, New York Disaster Interfaith Services, Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, The Center for Faith and Community Partnerships- NYC Office of the Mayor, The New York Board of Rabbis, Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, and Jazz at Lincoln Center.
“I’m proud to inaugurate the Memorial For Us All series. These performances are intended to reach across generations, nations, class, race, and religions to unite us with the healing power of music. It is needed now, more than ever,” said Wynton Marsalis, Managing and Artistic Director, Jazz at Lincoln Center.