Community Coffee Chat with Nkosi DuBois Anderson
Union’s Office of Alumni/ae Relations invites you for a community coffee chat at Max Caffe on January 4, 2019, from 1:00 – 2:30 pm. These informal gatherings will feature students, alums and/or faculty members who will share insights into their field of study, expertise, and life on campus. Union will purchase your refreshments.
This coffee chat will feature Nkosi DuBois Anderson. Nkosi DuBois Anderson is a current Ph.D. student, primarily from the tradition of Christian Social Ethics, Black religious and political thought, and social theory to explore the concept of freedom based upon principles of social justice and democratic rights. This includes analyzing the function of religion within liberation struggles, particularly related but not limited to, the African-American experience. His dissertation will examine the stream of socialist thought found within Black Christianity.
Please email Kevin Bentley, Manager of Alumni/ae Relations at [email protected] to let him know if you plan to attend.