Seminarians in Public Service Alumni/ae Panel
Please join us on Wednesday, Oct 27, 2021; 4:00 – 5:00 pm ET for a Seminarians in Public Service Alumni/ae Panel. It might surprise you to learn that public service has proven to be a meaningful career path for some Union Theological Seminary alums.
Our panelists represent all levels of government service — local, state, and federal. Come and learn what drew these alums to careers in the public sector and how seminary training contributed to and prepared them for their careers. Following the panelists’ initial discussion, there will be time for questions from attendees, as well.
Dominique Atchison, MDiv ’06
Recently worked for the New York City Office of the Mayor
Former Executive Director of the Mayor’s Center for Faith and Community Partnerships
Former Director of Faith Engagement for First Lady Chirlane McCray
Elizabeth Edman (she/her/hers), MDiv ’91
Office of NY State Comptroller
Director of Community Engagement
Author, Queer Virtue
Derrick Harkins, MDiv ’87
US Dept of Housing and Urban Development
Director, Center of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Tommy Ross, MDiv ’02
US Dept of the Navy
Chief of Staff