
Rev. Andrea C. White, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Theology & Culture

A woman with long, wavy dark hair and light brown eyes looks directly at the camera. She is wearing drop earrings and a necklace. The background is dark and out of focus.


3041 Broadway, AD 420
New York, NY 10027
[email protected]


B.A., Oberlin College
M.Div., Yale University
Ph.D., The University of Chicago


The Rev. Dr. Andrea C. White is Associate Professor of Theology and Culture at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. Her teaching and research fashion a nexus between womanist theology, black critical theory, and phenomenology.  

Her forthcoming publication, Scandal of Flesh: Black Women’s Bodies, God and Politics, is under review with the Religion and Critical Thought book series with Cambridge University Press. She has several book projects underway, including Fissures of Hope (Cambridge Elements in Christian Doctrine, a series with Cambridge University Press), Mundane Enchantments and Everyday Religion, co-authored with Federico Settler and Trygve Wyller (Routledge) and co-edited volumes, State of Black Theology (Routledge) and Barth and the PoliticalShe is also the author of an unpublished volume, Back of God: Theology of Otherness in Karl Barth and Paul RicoeurShe is the founding co-editor of the online journal Black Theology Papers Project. She lectures and preaches across the United States, will lead a fellowship in Germany and Poland, and her international lectureships have taken her to Brazil, Canada, Denmark, England, India, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Dr. White has served as Faculty Chair of the Columbia University Senate’s Commission on Diversity, Executive Director of the Society for the Study of Black Religion, and Chair of the American Academy of Religion’s Black Theology program unit. She sits on editorial boards for several journals in the field of religion, including Journal for the American Academy of ReligionShe also sits on advisory boards for several theological societies, including the Karl Barth Society of North America. She was a founding member of The Carter Center’s Scholars in Action, a forum created to address gender violence against women and girls. She served as faculty leader for the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion for early-career scholars. She is also a faculty leader for Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics.

Before arriving at Union in 2015, Dr. White served on the faculty at Candler School of Theology and in the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Emory University. She is a recipient of Emory’s Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service Award. She was awarded two research grants, the Lilly Theological Research Faculty Fellowship from The Association of Theological Schools and The Louisville Institute Book Grant. She was also awarded a dissertation fellowship by the Forum for Theological Exploration (formerly Fund for Theological Education).

Dr. White holds a PhD in theology from The University of Chicago Divinity School, a Master of Divinity with a concentration in philosophy of religion from Yale Divinity School, and a Bachelor of Arts with honors in philosophy from Oberlin College and Conservatory.  

Dr. White has been an ordained American Baptist minister for over twenty-five years and serves as Theologian-in-Residence at The Riverside Church in the City of New York and on the Ordination Council of American Baptist Churches of Metro New York. Before her academic posts, she served as pastor of Aldrich Baptist Church in North Franklin, NY, hospice chaplain for Catskill Area Hospice, and chaplain at Springbrook in Oneonta, NY, a residential school for children and adults with developmental disabilities. During graduate school, she served as Minister of Adult Christian Education at The University of Chicago’s Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Dr. White is a proud native New Yorker and a violinist.


Otherness of God
Phenomenology of Violence
Phenomenology of the Body
Political Theology
Politics of Hope
Systematic Theology
Womanist Theology and Black Theology
Womanist Theology and Critical Race Theory
Womanist Theology and the Arts

The Politics of Hope with Rev. Dr. Andrea White


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