2024 – 25 Academic Year
Annual Full-Time Tuition | $23,670
Semesterly Tuition:
Full Time (12 or more credits) | $11,835
Per Credit (less than 12 credits) | $1,320
Per Credit Tuition | $1,320 (**The new DMin will not have a separate tuition rate. Discounts will be applied via scholarship)
Annual Full-Time Tuition | $35,136
Semesterly Residency Tuition | $17,568
Students must be registered full-time
Extended Residence | $2,000
PhD candidates who have completed residency without having completed the academic requirements; students must register for UT 400 each semester following the term in which the residency or tuition obligation is satisfied, until degree requirements are fulfilled
Advanced Certificate Programs
Per Course Tuition (3 Credit) | $2,500
not charged additional fees for identity verification in distance education programs
Per Credit Tuition | $1,320
not charged additional fees for identity verification in distance education programs
Per Credit Tuition | $1,320
General Auditor | $600
Alumni/ae – first course | $0
Alumni/ae – each course thereafter | $150
Encore Program Graduates | $150
Application | $75
Tuition Deposit | $250
Housing/Key Deposit | $1,500
Single Room | $906/month | $4,077/semester (second person additional $500/semester)
Shared Suite | $1,167/month | $5,251.50/semester (second person additional $500/semester)
Studio | $1,539/month | $6,925.50/semester
One Bedroom Apartment | $2,228/month | $10,026/semester
Two Bedroom Apartment | $2,864/month | $12,888/semester
Health Services
Required Semesterly | $694
For full-time and extended residence students regardless of insurance coverage, waived for Columbia degree candidates who pay the University directly.
Medical Insurance
The Columbia Aetna Plan | $5,647
$2,145 (Fall) | $3,502 (Spring)
Required annually for full-time students; can be waived only with comparable insurance coverage. More information here.
Meal Plan
Full-time students | $150
Part-time students | $75
International students seeking F-1 visa status | $200
Paid directly to U.S. Immigration & Customs
Student Activity
Required each semester | $100
Change of Degree | $50
Official Transcript | $10
Degree/Graduation | $50
Dissertation Deposit (PhD) | $200
Field Education Internship (FE 303-FE 304) | $500
Visiting Scholar | $1,000/semester
Late Payment | $50
Replacement Student ID | $25
Refund Policy
If the withdrawal occurs in the: | Amount of remaining tuition refunded is: |
1st week of classes | 90% |
2nd week of classes | 80% |
3rd week of classes | 70% |
4th week of classes | 60% |
5th or 6th week of classes | 50% |
7th week of classes | 40% |
after 7th week of classes | none |
The refund schedule also applies to housing charges for on-campus housing. Special fees, such as the student activities fee and medical fees, are not refundable at any time. Health insurance coverage continues until the end of the term for anyone who withdraws after the insurance enrollment cut-off date.
Students only receive a refund on tuition paid, that is, the Seminary’s full tuition minus grants or loans given. Federal regulations require that any aid that is in excess of expenses (as calculated by federal guidelines) is to be repaid to the funding agency. The Seminary’s refund policy complies with federal regulations and New York State Law. Any calculated over-award will be returned to the appropriate aid programs. These awards include federal loans and Union grants, scholarships, fellowships, and loans.