Estimated Cost of Attendance

The expenses of individual students will vary considerably. Below provides a reasonable picture of a student’s fixed and discretionary costs for MDiv, MA in Religion, MA in Social Justice, and STM degrees, and will be used as the standard for financial aid purposes at Union. Please click here for a more detailed breakdown of Union’s Tuition and Fees.

The budgets below represent the estimated cost of attendance (COA) for each program (based on a single student living a modest lifestyle).

Other than tuition and fees, all costs are estimates and will vary depending on your situation. Direct costs, such as tuition, fees, or housing (if you live on campus), will appear on your student bill. Indirect costs such as transportation, food, and personal expenses are generally not payable to Union and are included here to assist you in planning your budget.

Master's Degrees

Doctoral Degrees

Professional Judgement Review:

If your personal circumstances change after you have applied for financial aid or you have special circumstances that are not covered by the standard cost of attendance, you may be eligible for a Professional Judgement Review. Special circumstances could include:

  • Death of a spouse or a dependent
  • Divorce/separation
  • Change in employment status, income, or assets
  • Unexpected change in housing status
  • Child or dependent care expenses
  • Documented expenses related to special needs or a disability
  • Medical expenses not covered by the standard cost of attendance

If you have special circumstances and would like to be considered for a Personal Judgement Review, please email Melissa Desravines at [email protected]. Prepare any documentation that supports your request for a review. This could include recent tax returns, W-2 forms, documentation of unusual expenses, or other relevant financial information.

Computer Purchase:

Students may request an increase to the Cost of Attendance to allow for the actual documented cost of purchasing or renting a personal computer to use as part of their studies. Such an increase is allowed only once during a student’s enrollment at Union and may not exceed $1,500. A computer-allowance increase provides additional eligibility for federal student loans, Federal Work-Study, and outside grant aid; it does not increase a student’s institutional scholarship award. Please email [email protected] if you would like to increase your Cost of Attendance budget for a personal computer purchase or rental.